Ivy League Christian Academy Summer Camp
Ivy League Christian Academy 4413 Wishart Road, Virginia BeachTheme 2: Around the World.
Theme 2: Around the World.
Theme 3: Hero / Rock Week
757-502 4507
Office Hours:
Mon–Fri: 9:00AM–4:00PM
School Hours:
Mon–Fri: 7:30 AM–6:00 PM
Summer Hours:
Mon–Thur: 9:00 AM – Noon
AdvancED and ICAA Accredited
Ivy League Christian Academy is located in the beautiful Wishart Cove community of Virginia Beach, Virginia serving students from the age of three years through high school with full dual accreditation from AdvancED/SACS and ICAA. Teachers are certified through ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International)
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