High School Overview

We have High School openings. Call us today for a school tour: (757) 502-4507.

Fusce nec elit ut lorem tristique consectetur et at metus. Aliquam eros mauris, aliquet nec urna consectetur, condimentum ultricies nunc. Nam tincidunt est ac ante elementum tincidunt. Phasellus nisi orci, tristique eu blandit eu, lobortis vitae velit. Nullam cursus arcu eget placerat lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.

Build Your Future With Avada Education

Suspendisse sapien mauris, consequat nec pellentesque at, pharetra feugiat tortor. Donec lobortis lacinia mauris, luctus scelerisque ligula semper eu. Donec dictum et elit porttitor tincidunt. Duis leo nibh, accumsan vitae nibh id, mollis convallis nisl. Mauris varius cursus lorem at eleifend. Phasellus imperdiet, libero vel consectetur aliquam, justo massa feugiat dolor, id blandit nibh elit eget tortor. Sed lorem ipsum, rhoncus quis congue in, tristique id erat. Nunc ac congue mi. Curabitur ante ex, posuere quis tellus quis, convallis scelerisque dolor. Integer eu purus ut augue consectetur aliquet. Aliquam eu tortor gravida, elementum.

  • International Focus – Nunc lacinia turpis imperdiet ligula malesuada molestie

  • Residential Courses – Mauris sed felis et libero consectetur auctor id in nisi

  • Focus On People – Sed at risus at erat pretium fringilla

  • Student Dedication – Aenean ut purus non tortor rhoncus bibendum

  • Career Placement – Nunc nec turpis sit egestas scelerisque at finibus ligula

Nullam venenatis justo a porta faucibus. Sed accumsan nisl eget ligula iaculis tristique. Nulla eget bibendum neque. Duis eu rutrum augue. Sed quis feugiat felis. Curabitur non ornare urna, vel congue mauris. Nam tincidunt mattis ligula, non pharetra turpis posuere a. Nulla aliquet vitae quam vitae commodo. Cras ut metus nibh. Suspendisse congue velit dui, quis dictum tortor tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum, quam nec elementum cursus, justo purus varius nisl, iaculis mattis lectus enim quis augue.

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Ninth Grade

Supply List

1 Pencil pouch
1 Box of 24 count crayons (no glitter)
1 Pack of colored pencils (Crayola Twistables highly recommended)
1 12” ruler with both inches and centimeters
1 Compass and 1 Protractor (6th grade and up)
1 NIV or King James Bible
1 USB 8GB flash drive
1 Pair of pointed scissors
4 Glue sticks (no glue pens) and 1 bottle of clear Elmer’s glue
2 Boxes of 24 count #2 pencils
1 Package of pencil top erasers
1 Package of black ink pens (no gel)
4 Highlighters
4 Red pens (no gel)
6 Two pocket folders (heavy duty plastic recommended)
2 Packages (150 sheets or more) wide ruled, loose leaf filler paper 5th & 6th grade
2 Packages (150 sheets or more) college ruled, loose leaf filler paper 7th & up
1 Package of graph paper
4 Composition notebooks (wide ruled)
1 Three-holed 1½ ” loose leaf binder
1 Package of 3”x 5” lined index cards
1 Student Planner
4 Boxes of tissues, standard size
1 Large bottle of hand sanitizer
8 Containers of Lysol Wipes
1 Gym uniform (purchase from Flynn O’Hara)
1 pair of gym shoes (to be left at the school)
3 Reams of copy paper
1 Scientific Calculator (grades 8-12)

Click HERE to buy uniforms.

Tenth Grade

Supply List

1 Pencil pouch
1 Box of 24 count crayons (no glitter)
1 Pack of colored pencils (Crayola Twistables highly recommended)
1 12” ruler with both inches and centimeters
1 Compass and 1 Protractor (6th grade and up)
1 NIV or King James Bible
1 USB 8GB flash drive
1 Pair of pointed scissors
4 Glue sticks (no glue pens) and 1 bottle of clear Elmer’s glue
2 Boxes of 24 count #2 pencils
1 Package of pencil top erasers
1 Package of black ink pens (no gel)
4 Highlighters
4 Red pens (no gel)
6 Two pocket folders (heavy duty plastic recommended)
2 Packages (150 sheets or more) wide ruled, loose leaf filler paper 5th & 6th grade
2 Packages (150 sheets or more) college ruled, loose leaf filler paper 7th & up
1 Package of graph paper
4 Composition notebooks (wide ruled)
1 Three-holed 1½ ” loose leaf binder
1 Package of 3”x 5” lined index cards
1 Student Planner
4 Boxes of tissues, standard size
1 Large bottle of hand sanitizer
8 Containers of Lysol Wipes
1 Gym uniform (purchase from Flynn O’Hara)
1 pair of gym shoes (to be left at the school)
3 Reams of copy paper
1 Scientific Calculator (grades 8-12)

Click HERE to buy uniforms.

Eleventh Grade

Supply List

1 Pencil pouch
1 Box of 24 count crayons (no glitter)
1 Pack of colored pencils (Crayola Twistables highly recommended)
1 12” ruler with both inches and centimeters
1 Compass and 1 Protractor (6th grade and up)
1 NIV or King James Bible
1 USB 8GB flash drive
1 Pair of pointed scissors
4 Glue sticks (no glue pens) and 1 bottle of clear Elmer’s glue
2 Boxes of 24 count #2 pencils
1 Package of pencil top erasers
1 Package of black ink pens (no gel)
4 Highlighters
4 Red pens (no gel)
6 Two pocket folders (heavy duty plastic recommended)
2 Packages (150 sheets or more) wide ruled, loose leaf filler paper 5th & 6th grade
2 Packages (150 sheets or more) college ruled, loose leaf filler paper 7th & up
1 Package of graph paper
4 Composition notebooks (wide ruled)
1 Three-holed 1½ ” loose leaf binder
1 Package of 3”x 5” lined index cards
1 Student Planner
4 Boxes of tissues, standard size
1 Large bottle of hand sanitizer
8 Containers of Lysol Wipes
1 Gym uniform (purchase from Flynn O’Hara)
1 pair of gym shoes (to be left at the school)
3 Reams of copy paper
1 Scientific Calculator (grades 8-12)

Click HERE to buy uniforms.

Twelfth Grade

Supply List

1 Pencil pouch
1 Box of 24 count crayons (no glitter)
1 Pack of colored pencils (Crayola Twistables highly recommended)
1 12” ruler with both inches and centimeters
1 Compass and 1 Protractor (6th grade and up)
1 NIV or King James Bible
1 USB 8GB flash drive
1 Pair of pointed scissors
4 Glue sticks (no glue pens) and 1 bottle of clear Elmer’s glue
2 Boxes of 24 count #2 pencils
1 Package of pencil top erasers
1 Package of black ink pens (no gel)
4 Highlighters
4 Red pens (no gel)
6 Two pocket folders (heavy duty plastic recommended)
2 Packages (150 sheets or more) wide ruled, loose leaf filler paper 5th & 6th grade
2 Packages (150 sheets or more) college ruled, loose leaf filler paper 7th & up
1 Package of graph paper
4 Composition notebooks (wide ruled)
1 Three-holed 1½ ” loose leaf binder
1 Package of 3”x 5” lined index cards
1 Student Planner
4 Boxes of tissues, standard size
1 Large bottle of hand sanitizer
8 Containers of Lysol Wipes
1 Gym uniform (purchase from Flynn O’Hara)
1 pair of gym shoes (to be left at the school)
3 Reams of copy paper
1 Scientific Calculator (grades 8-12)

Click HERE to buy uniforms.

Ninth Grade


Bible: Abeka| Examine the foundations of the early church and the faithfulness of first century Christians through a study of Acts and the early Pauline Epistles: Romans, Galatians, Corinthians, and Thessalonians. 1 Credit

Science: Bob Jones Press | This text clearly introduces students to the secular theories of where everything they see came from. They critique these theories. For each secular theory, the text affirms the conservative biblical view of Earth’s history shaped by Creation, the Fall, and the Flood. Students’ Christian worldviews will be shaped and strengthened as they learn about tectonic processes, landforms and earth materials, fossils, the oceans and oceanography, rivers and lakes, the atmosphere, weather and storms, climate and environmentalism, the solar system, the universe and cosmology, and space science.

Geography: Bob Jones Press |

Literature: | Students are taught the process of literary analysis and discuss six literary elements: conflict, character, theme, point of view, structure, and tone. Students are taught to analyze and evaluate authors, works, and themes in light of Scripture. Includes an English translation of Rostand’s drama Cyrano de Bergerac.

English 9 Writing & Grammar: Bob Jones Press | English 9 covers all eight parts of speech with special emphasis on adjectives and adverbs, including adverb clauses. It also presents a review of the five basic sentence patterns, usage concepts such as agreement and pronoun reference, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Instruction and practice in library skills and study skills are included as well. All the steps of the writing process are reviewed as students complete writing projects such as a devotional, a research essay, an in-class essay, a comparison/ contrast paragraph, poetry, and a public service announcement.

Upper School Math Requirements

Algebra I Part II
Students complete Algebra I by studying polynomials, rational expressions, radicals, and solving rationals. A look at probability, statistics, and scriptural connections are integrated. Bob Saxon, Veritas Press

Algebra Functions and Data Analysis
Basic functions of algebra, graphing, and solving equations are explored coupled with statistics and analysis. Bob Jones Press, Veritas Press

Algebra II
Review basic algebraic functions and extend each student’s skills in graphing and in solving equations. Introduce exponential functions, logarithms, and trigonometry. Present more advanced topics such as complex numbers, rational expressions and equations, conic sections, probability, and statistics. A matrix algebra feature, Algebra Around the World, Algebra and Scripture, dominion modeling activities for graphing calculators, and biographical sketches of mathematicians are included throughout. Saxon, Veritas Press

Students are introduced to a balanced study of proofs, theorems, and real-life geometry. Included are area, volume, congruence, similarity, space, transformations, constructions, and trigonometry. The book contains analytic geometry features, Geometry Around Us, Geometry and Scripture, and biographical sketches of mathematicians. Saxon, Veritas Press.

Lessons emphasize functions, graphing, and trigonometry and introduce differential calculus. Math Around the World, biographical sketches of mathematicians, an approximation methods feature, Math and Scripture, and dominion modeling activities for graphing calculators are also included. Saxon, Veritas Press.

Students are motivated while fostering understanding and mastery. This brief text emphasizes integrated and engaging applications that show students the real-world relevance of topics and concepts including functions, graphs, limits, differentiation, application of the derivative, exponential and logarithmic functions, integration and its applications, and functions of variables. Saxon, Veritas Press

Upper School Spanish

Spanish I 1 Credit
Students are taught how to ask and answer questions, give and follow directions, purchase items, make small talk, and present the gospel. Bob Jones Press.

Spanish II 1 Credit
Students will learn to communicate at an intermediate level in a store, a bank, an airport, a hotel, a doctor’s office, and an auto shop. They will get an overview of grammatical structure and learn Scripture passages. Bob Jones Press.

Spanish III 1 Credit
Spanish 3 further develops your students’ mastery of vocabulary, oral communication skills, and grammatical structure with a special focus on verb forms. The text features true stories and letters from missionaries in Spanish-speaking countries. Bob Jones Press.

Spanish IV 1 Credit
Students master vocabulary, oral communication skills, and grammatical structure. The text features true stories and letters from missionaries in Spanish-speaking countries. Bob Jones Press.

Upper School Physical Education Requirements

Physical Education

P.E. and Health are a combined course: 1 Credit
The course consists of strength and conditioning exercises along with physical agility, team work games, survey of multiple sports and rules of the game, and presidential physical fitness exams.

First Aid, CPR, AED training with certification plus infant CPR. This all‐inclusive course covers all topics necessary for certification. Staywell Company or Family Life Skills. Bob Jones Press
Health also includes anatomy and physiology as it relates to good health and sport activity including exercising, body mass index, food intake and processing, and training.

Fine Arts

Choir: 0.5 Credit
Students engage in music appreciation, offering a unique approach to exploring the sounds, the forms, and the history of music along with proper breathing techniques, sounds, and performance.

Upper School Electives

Students are introduced to public speaking from platform presence to persuasion by speaking on biblical topics and life experiences.

Advanced Philosophy of Religion: 1 Credit
Addressing both classical concepts and a host of contemporary issues, the readings cover all of the standard subjects including religious experience, divine attributes, theistic arguments, the problem of evil, and miracles—as well as more recent topics like reformed epistemology, process theism, the kalam cosmological argument, the religion ‐ science controversy, religious ethics, and the diversity of world religions. All of the concepts are filtered through a biblical worldview perspective as students learn how to biblically give an answer to the world’s views and to substantiate Christianity. Oxford University Press.

Aesthetics: 1 Credit
A course in art history to equip the students in a variety of art. Veritas Press

Keyboarding: 1 Credit
Students efficiently learn to type letters and numbers through proper utilization of the keyboard. Once mastered, students learn word applications such as proper formatting for various academic and business tasks. Glencoe.

Computer Technology: 1 Credit
Students navigate through all applications including Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, creating data bases, research techniques, and manipulating spreadsheets for a complete integration of computer applications for work, school, and play. The course is designed to equip students for their freshman year of college at a computer knowledge level that allows for free integration of techniques into course work

College Preparatory: 1 Credit
Students are introduced to the research methods for distinguishing the college or university that the Lord has planned, key components within a college interview, filling out applications, filling out FAFSA forms, applying for financial assistance, scholarships, grants, and much more!

Additional Requirements in Virginia

Economics and Personal Finance: 1 Credit
Students are prepared for making financial decisions with instruction about taxes, interest on loans and savings, personal banking, and costs of transportation, food, clothing, utilities, and insurance. Being a good steward of the Lord’s money is the primary emphasis. Included are instructions on how credit card charges are calculated, how Social Security benefits are determined, who pays what when you go to the hospital with insurance, and calculation of federal income tax. Economics of the world is also addressed in the context of this course. Bob Jones Press.

Tenth Grade


Bible 10: 1 Credit
Highlighted are key messages of individual Old Testament books and timeless truths about the person and work of Christ to teach obedient Christian living. Students will learn important historical, geographical, and biographical information that brings the Bible to life. The Bible Reading Program is incorporated with a series of detailed study questions meant to teach proper interpretation as students read through all of Scripture. Bob Jones Press.

Honors Science 10 Anatomy & Physiology:
Students will cover in detail the anatomy and physiology of the 11 organ systems created perfectly by the hand of our omniscient Creator. The course prepares students for college level anatomy and physiology. Apologia Educational Ministries.

English 10 Composition and Grammar:
The eight parts of Speech are taught, verbal phrases, clauses (including noun clauses), usage, and mechanics. Review the five basic sentence patterns and introduce two new sentence patterns. Reference chapters include library skills and study skills. Students are led through the writing process and teach writing strategies such as sentence expansion and reduction, coordination and subordination, and correct use of parallelism. Writing projects include a persuasive speech, an editorial, a eyewitness report, a research essay, a cause-and-effect essay, a short story, poetry and metaphor, and a webpage design. Bob Jones Press.

Science 10 Biology: 1 Credit
Students will see God’s power and glory in creation as they learn about cellular biology, genetics, taxonomy, microbiology, botany, zoology, and human anatomy. When studying topics such as Creation and evolution, human cloning, abortion, and stem cell research, students are pointed to Scripture as the ultimate authority and are encouraged to develop a biblical perspective about these topics. Bob Jones Press.

History 10 Omnibus II:
Omnibus II provides an credit in medieval history combine with concepts of doctrine and theology, and appropriate literature samples. Veritas Press

Literature 10 Logic:
Students evaluate literature in light of Scripture and from a biblical worldview as they learn to critically think and analyze for effective writing and verbal persuasion. Veritas Press

English 10 Vocabulary Option:
Taught are Greek word parts and discuss the contribution of Greek to modern English. Emphasized is the importance of proper word selection for vivid writing. Bob Jones Press

Upper School Math Requirements

Algebra I Part II
Students complete Algebra I by studying polynomials, rational expressions, radicals, and solving rationals. A look at probability, statistics, and scriptural connections are integrated. Bob Saxon, Veritas Press

Algebra Functions and Data Analysis
Basic functions of algebra, graphing, and solving equations are explored coupled with statistics and analysis. Bob Jones Press, Veritas Press

Algebra II
Review basic algebraic functions and extend each student’s skills in graphing and in solving equations. Introduce exponential functions, logarithms, and trigonometry. Present more advanced topics such as complex numbers, rational expressions and equations, conic sections, probability, and statistics. A matrix algebra feature, Algebra Around the World, Algebra and Scripture, dominion modeling activities for graphing calculators, and biographical sketches of mathematicians are included throughout. Saxon, Veritas Press

Students are introduced to a balanced study of proofs, theorems, and real-life geometry. Included are area, volume, congruence, similarity, space, transformations, constructions, and trigonometry. The book contains analytic geometry features, Geometry Around Us, Geometry and Scripture, and biographical sketches of mathematicians. Saxon, Veritas Press.

Lessons emphasize functions, graphing, and trigonometry and introduce differential calculus. Math Around the World, biographical sketches of mathematicians, an approximation methods feature, Math and Scripture, and dominion modeling activities for graphing calculators are also included. Saxon, Veritas Press.

Students are motivated while fostering understanding and mastery. This brief text emphasizes integrated and engaging applications that show students the real-world relevance of topics and concepts including functions, graphs, limits, differentiation, application of the derivative, exponential and logarithmic functions, integration and its applications, and functions of variables. Saxon, Veritas Press

Upper School Spanish

Spanish I 1 Credit
Students are taught how to ask and answer questions, give and follow directions, purchase items, make small talk, and present the gospel. Bob Jones Press.

Spanish II 1 Credit
Students will learn to communicate at an intermediate level in a store, a bank, an airport, a hotel, a doctor’s office, and an auto shop. They will get an overview of grammatical structure and learn Scripture passages. Bob Jones Press.

Spanish III 1 Credit
Spanish 3 further develops your students’ mastery of vocabulary, oral communication skills, and grammatical structure with a special focus on verb forms. The text features true stories and letters from missionaries in Spanish-speaking countries. Bob Jones Press.

Spanish IV 1 Credit
Students master vocabulary, oral communication skills, and grammatical structure. The text features true stories and letters from missionaries in Spanish-speaking countries. Bob Jones Press.

Upper School Physical Education Requirements

Physical Education

P.E. and Health are a combined course: 1 Credit
The course consists of strength and conditioning exercises along with physical agility, team work games, survey of multiple sports and rules of the game, and presidential physical fitness exams.

First Aid, CPR, AED training with certification plus infant CPR. This all‐inclusive course covers all topics necessary for certification. Staywell Company or Family Life Skills. Bob Jones Press
Health also includes anatomy and physiology as it relates to good health and sport activity including exercising, body mass index, food intake and processing, and training.

Fine Arts

Choir: 0.5 Credit
Students engage in music appreciation, offering a unique approach to exploring the sounds, the forms, and the history of music along with proper breathing techniques, sounds, and performance.

Upper School Electives

Students are introduced to public speaking from platform presence to persuasion by speaking on biblical topics and life experiences.

Advanced Philosophy of Religion: 1 Credit
Addressing both classical concepts and a host of contemporary issues, the readings cover all of the standard subjects including religious experience, divine attributes, theistic arguments, the problem of evil, and miracles—as well as more recent topics like reformed epistemology, process theism, the kalam cosmological argument, the religion ‐ science controversy, religious ethics, and the diversity of world religions. All of the concepts are filtered through a biblical worldview perspective as students learn how to biblically give an answer to the world’s views and to substantiate Christianity. Oxford University Press.

Aesthetics: 1 Credit
A course in art history to equip the students in a variety of art. Veritas Press

Keyboarding: 1 Credit
Students efficiently learn to type letters and numbers through proper utilization of the keyboard. Once mastered, students learn word applications such as proper formatting for various academic and business tasks. Glencoe.

Computer Technology: 1 Credit
Students navigate through all applications including Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, creating data bases, research techniques, and manipulating spreadsheets for a complete integration of computer applications for work, school, and play. The course is designed to equip students for their freshman year of college at a computer knowledge level that allows for free integration of techniques into course work

College Preparatory: 1 Credit
Students are introduced to the research methods for distinguishing the college or university that the Lord has planned, key components within a college interview, filling out applications, filling out FAFSA forms, applying for financial assistance, scholarships, grants, and much more!

Additional Requirements in Virginia

Economics and Personal Finance: 1 Credit
Students are prepared for making financial decisions with instruction about taxes, interest on loans and savings, personal banking, and costs of transportation, food, clothing, utilities, and insurance. Being a good steward of the Lord’s money is the primary emphasis. Included are instructions on how credit card charges are calculated, how Social Security benefits are determined, who pays what when you go to the hospital with insurance, and calculation of federal income tax. Economics of the world is also addressed in the context of this course. Bob Jones Press.

Eleventh Grade


Bible 11: Understanding the Times I: 1 Credit
To prepare students for adulthood in the world and to prepare their minds for Christian thinking, students learn the Philosophy, Ethics, Biology, and Psychology for Christian Theology, Islamic Theology, Secular Humanistic Theology, Marxist-­‐Leninist Theology, Cosmic Humanist Theology, and Postmodern Theology. Students will be convinced and convicted that the biblical approach to life is the absolute truth. Summit University Press.

History 11: US History
Uncover the history of our nation through this comprehensive survey. The book focuses on the causes of events, the strains on the Union, and the underlying issues that have shaped United States history, from the age of exploration through the Obama administration. Bob Jones Press.

English 11: Writing and Grammar
The eight parts of Speech are taught, verbal phrases, clauses, usage, and mechanics. Review the seven sentence patterns and introduce advanced concepts such as tense sequence, perfect verbals, and adverbial nouns. Reference chapters include library skills and study skills. Students are led through the writing process and teach writing strategies such as variety, emphasis, and sentence logic. Writing projects include a research paper, a literary analysis, a folktale, a narrative poem, a hymn, an analytical essay, an interview, a memoir, an analogy, an in-class essay, and a letter to the editor. Bob Jones Press.

Honors Science 11: Advanced Chemistry
The course includes detailed discussions of stoichiometry (with limiting reactants), thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases, redox reactions, solutions, atomic structure, orbital hybridization, molecular orbitals, molecular geometry, chemical equilibrium, and nuclear chemistry. Also, students will receive an introduction to organic chemistry, focusing on major functional groups, organic nomenclature, and polymer chemistry. Apologia Educational Ministries.

Honors History 11: Advanced US History
Completing Omnibus III will provide the student a full credit in Modern US and British History I, Doctrine and Theology III, and Modern US and British Literature I. Combining these disciplines will have students grow in their appreciation of the unity of all knowledge, and all the material is taught through a biblical worldview. Veritas Press

Literature 11: Rhetoric
Ancient rhetorics for contemporary students blends the strategies of ancient Greek and Roman rhetoricians with the contemporary writers for a classical delivery. Veritas Press.

English 11: Vocabulary Option
Introduced are some of the ways English acquires words—such as allusions, coining, back-formation, folk etymology, and borrowing from other languages. Bob Jones Press.

Upper School Math Requirements

Algebra I Part II
Students complete Algebra I by studying polynomials, rational expressions, radicals, and solving rationals. A look at probability, statistics, and scriptural connections are integrated. Bob Saxon, Veritas Press

Algebra Functions and Data Analysis
Basic functions of algebra, graphing, and solving equations are explored coupled with statistics and analysis. Bob Jones Press, Veritas Press

Algebra II
Review basic algebraic functions and extend each student’s skills in graphing and in solving equations. Introduce exponential functions, logarithms, and trigonometry. Present more advanced topics such as complex numbers, rational expressions and equations, conic sections, probability, and statistics. A matrix algebra feature, Algebra Around the World, Algebra and Scripture, dominion modeling activities for graphing calculators, and biographical sketches of mathematicians are included throughout. Saxon, Veritas Press

Students are introduced to a balanced study of proofs, theorems, and real-life geometry. Included are area, volume, congruence, similarity, space, transformations, constructions, and trigonometry. The book contains analytic geometry features, Geometry Around Us, Geometry and Scripture, and biographical sketches of mathematicians. Saxon, Veritas Press.

Lessons emphasize functions, graphing, and trigonometry and introduce differential calculus. Math Around the World, biographical sketches of mathematicians, an approximation methods feature, Math and Scripture, and dominion modeling activities for graphing calculators are also included. Saxon, Veritas Press.

Students are motivated while fostering understanding and mastery. This brief text emphasizes integrated and engaging applications that show students the real-world relevance of topics and concepts including functions, graphs, limits, differentiation, application of the derivative, exponential and logarithmic functions, integration and its applications, and functions of variables. Saxon, Veritas Press

Upper School Spanish

Spanish I 1 Credit
Students are taught how to ask and answer questions, give and follow directions, purchase items, make small talk, and present the gospel. Bob Jones Press.

Spanish II 1 Credit
Students will learn to communicate at an intermediate level in a store, a bank, an airport, a hotel, a doctor’s office, and an auto shop. They will get an overview of grammatical structure and learn Scripture passages. Bob Jones Press.

Spanish III 1 Credit
Spanish 3 further develops your students’ mastery of vocabulary, oral communication skills, and grammatical structure with a special focus on verb forms. The text features true stories and letters from missionaries in Spanish-speaking countries. Bob Jones Press.

Spanish IV 1 Credit
Students master vocabulary, oral communication skills, and grammatical structure. The text features true stories and letters from missionaries in Spanish-speaking countries. Bob Jones Press.

Upper School Physical Education Requirements

Physical Education

P.E. and Health are a combined course: 1 Credit
The course consists of strength and conditioning exercises along with physical agility, team work games, survey of multiple sports and rules of the game, and presidential physical fitness exams.

First Aid, CPR, AED training with certification plus infant CPR. This all‐inclusive course covers all topics necessary for certification. Staywell Company or Family Life Skills. Bob Jones Press
Health also includes anatomy and physiology as it relates to good health and sport activity including exercising, body mass index, food intake and processing, and training.

Fine Arts

Choir: 0.5 Credit
Students engage in music appreciation, offering a unique approach to exploring the sounds, the forms, and the history of music along with proper breathing techniques, sounds, and performance.

Upper School Electives

Students are introduced to public speaking from platform presence to persuasion by speaking on biblical topics and life experiences.

Advanced Philosophy of Religion: 1 Credit
Addressing both classical concepts and a host of contemporary issues, the readings cover all of the standard subjects including religious experience, divine attributes, theistic arguments, the problem of evil, and miracles—as well as more recent topics like reformed epistemology, process theism, the kalam cosmological argument, the religion ‐ science controversy, religious ethics, and the diversity of world religions. All of the concepts are filtered through a biblical worldview perspective as students learn how to biblically give an answer to the world’s views and to substantiate Christianity. Oxford University Press.

Aesthetics: 1 Credit
A course in art history to equip the students in a variety of art. Veritas Press

Keyboarding: 1 Credit
Students efficiently learn to type letters and numbers through proper utilization of the keyboard. Once mastered, students learn word applications such as proper formatting for various academic and business tasks. Glencoe.

Computer Technology: 1 Credit
Students navigate through all applications including Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, creating data bases, research techniques, and manipulating spreadsheets for a complete integration of computer applications for work, school, and play. The course is designed to equip students for their freshman year of college at a computer knowledge level that allows for free integration of techniques into course work

College Preparatory: 1 Credit
Students are introduced to the research methods for distinguishing the college or university that the Lord has planned, key components within a college interview, filling out applications, filling out FAFSA forms, applying for financial assistance, scholarships, grants, and much more!

Additional Requirements in Virginia

Economics and Personal Finance: 1 Credit
Students are prepared for making financial decisions with instruction about taxes, interest on loans and savings, personal banking, and costs of transportation, food, clothing, utilities, and insurance. Being a good steward of the Lord’s money is the primary emphasis. Included are instructions on how credit card charges are calculated, how Social Security benefits are determined, who pays what when you go to the hospital with insurance, and calculation of federal income tax. Economics of the world is also addressed in the context of this course. Bob Jones Press.

Twelfth Grade


Bible 12: Understanding the Times II: 1 Credit
Students continue their study in competing worldviews to include the Sociology, Law, Politics, Economics, and History as it relates to Christian Theology, Islamic Theology, Secular Humanistic Theology, Marxist-Leninist Theology, Cosmic Humanist Theology, and Postmodern Theology. After completion of this course, students are well grounded in knowledge, head and heart, to defend their faith. Summit University Press.

History 12: Government
Students are prepared for responsible citizenship with a discussion of the principles and mechanics of a constitutional republic. Bob Jones Press.

English 12: Writing and Grammar
Addressed are the particular needs of advanced-level students, including writing strategies for sentence logic and energy, paragraph development, and organization. Reviewed are parts of speech, sentence patterns, usage, and more. Covered are test-taking strategies and college application essays. Bob Jones Press.

English 12: Vocabulary Option
Students are taught recognition of native English words and words borrowed from other languages. Present changes in word meanings and discuss euphemisms and metaphorical words. Bob Jones Pres.

Science 12: Physics
Students will discover the real-world importance of physics in exercising biblical dominion in the physical world. They will interact with raw data from actual physical phenomena and historical experiments as they create and evaluate scientific models, just like real physicists, present and past. This text presents the traditional physics topics of classical mechanics, as well as energy, matter, thermodynamics, electromagnetics, optics, and modern physics, all within a vibrant Christian worldview. The material is built upon a pre-calculus framework. Bob Jones Press.

Honors Science 12: Advanced Physics
Students will take a deep look into concepts of God’s physical world to understand how things really happen. Concepts include rotational motion, gravity, electrical forces, magnetic forces, atomic physics, general relativity, thermodynamics, waves, optics, nuclear physics, electrical potential, circuits, and much more! Apologia Educational Ministries.

Literature 12: Senior Thesis
A culminating research project advancing critical thought and logic by exploring a research topic, creating a research design or logical argument for presentation to an audience displaying knowledge of rhetoric, logic, and poise. Veritas Press

Upper School Math Requirements

Algebra I Part II
Students complete Algebra I by studying polynomials, rational expressions, radicals, and solving rationals. A look at probability, statistics, and scriptural connections are integrated. Bob Saxon, Veritas Press

Algebra Functions and Data Analysis
Basic functions of algebra, graphing, and solving equations are explored coupled with statistics and analysis. Bob Jones Press, Veritas Press

Algebra II
Review basic algebraic functions and extend each student’s skills in graphing and in solving equations. Introduce exponential functions, logarithms, and trigonometry. Present more advanced topics such as complex numbers, rational expressions and equations, conic sections, probability, and statistics. A matrix algebra feature, Algebra Around the World, Algebra and Scripture, dominion modeling activities for graphing calculators, and biographical sketches of mathematicians are included throughout. Saxon, Veritas Press

Students are introduced to a balanced study of proofs, theorems, and real-life geometry. Included are area, volume, congruence, similarity, space, transformations, constructions, and trigonometry. The book contains analytic geometry features, Geometry Around Us, Geometry and Scripture, and biographical sketches of mathematicians. Saxon, Veritas Press.

Lessons emphasize functions, graphing, and trigonometry and introduce differential calculus. Math Around the World, biographical sketches of mathematicians, an approximation methods feature, Math and Scripture, and dominion modeling activities for graphing calculators are also included. Saxon, Veritas Press.

Students are motivated while fostering understanding and mastery. This brief text emphasizes integrated and engaging applications that show students the real-world relevance of topics and concepts including functions, graphs, limits, differentiation, application of the derivative, exponential and logarithmic functions, integration and its applications, and functions of variables. Saxon, Veritas Press

Upper School Spanish

Spanish I 1 Credit
Students are taught how to ask and answer questions, give and follow directions, purchase items, make small talk, and present the gospel. Bob Jones Press.

Spanish II 1 Credit
Students will learn to communicate at an intermediate level in a store, a bank, an airport, a hotel, a doctor’s office, and an auto shop. They will get an overview of grammatical structure and learn Scripture passages. Bob Jones Press.

Spanish III 1 Credit
Spanish 3 further develops your students’ mastery of vocabulary, oral communication skills, and grammatical structure with a special focus on verb forms. The text features true stories and letters from missionaries in Spanish-speaking countries. Bob Jones Press.

Spanish IV 1 Credit
Students master vocabulary, oral communication skills, and grammatical structure. The text features true stories and letters from missionaries in Spanish-speaking countries. Bob Jones Press.

Upper School Physical Education Requirements

Physical Education

P.E. and Health are a combined course: 1 Credit
The course consists of strength and conditioning exercises along with physical agility, team work games, survey of multiple sports and rules of the game, and presidential physical fitness exams.

First Aid, CPR, AED training with certification plus infant CPR. This all‐inclusive course covers all topics necessary for certification. Staywell Company or Family Life Skills. Bob Jones Press
Health also includes anatomy and physiology as it relates to good health and sport activity including exercising, body mass index, food intake and processing, and training.

Fine Arts

Choir: 0.5 Credit
Students engage in music appreciation, offering a unique approach to exploring the sounds, the forms, and the history of music along with proper breathing techniques, sounds, and performance.

Upper School Electives

Students are introduced to public speaking from platform presence to persuasion by speaking on biblical topics and life experiences.

Advanced Philosophy of Religion: 1 Credit
Addressing both classical concepts and a host of contemporary issues, the readings cover all of the standard subjects including religious experience, divine attributes, theistic arguments, the problem of evil, and miracles—as well as more recent topics like reformed epistemology, process theism, the kalam cosmological argument, the religion ‐ science controversy, religious ethics, and the diversity of world religions. All of the concepts are filtered through a biblical worldview perspective as students learn how to biblically give an answer to the world’s views and to substantiate Christianity. Oxford University Press.

Aesthetics: 1 Credit
A course in art history to equip the students in a variety of art. Veritas Press

Keyboarding: 1 Credit
Students efficiently learn to type letters and numbers through proper utilization of the keyboard. Once mastered, students learn word applications such as proper formatting for various academic and business tasks. Glencoe.

Computer Technology: 1 Credit
Students navigate through all applications including Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, creating data bases, research techniques, and manipulating spreadsheets for a complete integration of computer applications for work, school, and play. The course is designed to equip students for their freshman year of college at a computer knowledge level that allows for free integration of techniques into course work

College Preparatory: 1 Credit
Students are introduced to the research methods for distinguishing the college or university that the Lord has planned, key components within a college interview, filling out applications, filling out FAFSA forms, applying for financial assistance, scholarships, grants, and much more!

Additional Requirements in Virginia

Economics and Personal Finance: 1 Credit
Students are prepared for making financial decisions with instruction about taxes, interest on loans and savings, personal banking, and costs of transportation, food, clothing, utilities, and insurance. Being a good steward of the Lord’s money is the primary emphasis. Included are instructions on how credit card charges are calculated, how Social Security benefits are determined, who pays what when you go to the hospital with insurance, and calculation of federal income tax. Economics of the world is also addressed in the context of this course. Bob Jones Press.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Nullam venenatis justo a porta faucibus. Sed accumsan nisl eget ligula iaculis tristique. Nulla eget bibendum neque. Duis eu rutrum augue. Sed quis feugiat felis. Curabitur non ornare urna, vel congue mauris. Nam tincidunt mattis ligula, non pharetra turpis posuere a. Nulla aliquet vitae quam vitae commodo. Cras ut metus nibh. Suspendisse congue velit dui, quis dictum tortor tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum, quam nec elementum cursus, justo purus varius nisl, iaculis mattis lectus enim quis augue.

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Ninth Grade

Parents will need to complete all sections of the Admission Application and submit the application fee. Our Admissions Staff will call to schedule a school tour. We have very small class sizes so your child will have the attention he or she needs to excel.

Tenth Grade

Parents will need to complete all sections of the Admission Application and submit the application fee. Our Admissions Staff will call to schedule a school tour. We have very small class sizes so your child will have the attention he or she needs to excel.

Eleventh Grade

Parents will need to complete all sections of the Admission Application and submit the application fee. Our Admissions Staff will call to schedule a school tour. We have very small class sizes so your child will have the attention he or she needs to excel.

Twelfth Grade

Parents will need to complete all sections of the Admission Application and submit the application fee. Our Admissions Staff will call to schedule a school tour. We have very small class sizes so your child will have the attention he or she needs to excel.

Nullam venenatis justo a porta faucibus. Sed accumsan nisl eget ligula iaculis tristique. Nulla eget bibendum neque. Duis eu rutrum augue. Sed quis feugiat felis. Curabitur non ornare urna, vel congue mauris. Nam tincidunt mattis ligula, non pharetra turpis posuere a. Nulla aliquet vitae quam vitae commodo. Cras ut metus nibh. Suspendisse congue velit dui, quis dictum tortor tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum, quam nec elementum cursus, justo purus varius nisl, iaculis mattis lectus enim quis augue.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
LEE MILLERCourse Tutor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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