Elementary School

Our kids test 2 years ahead of their peers.

Fusce nec elit ut lorem tristique consectetur et at metus. Aliquam eros mauris, aliquet nec urna consectetur, condimentum ultricies nunc. Nam tincidunt est ac ante elementum tincidunt. Phasellus nisi orci, tristique eu blandit eu, lobortis vitae velit. Nullam cursus arcu eget placerat lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.

Build Your Future With Avada Education

Suspendisse sapien mauris, consequat nec pellentesque at, pharetra feugiat tortor. Donec lobortis lacinia mauris, luctus scelerisque ligula semper eu. Donec dictum et elit porttitor tincidunt. Duis leo nibh, accumsan vitae nibh id, mollis convallis nisl. Mauris varius cursus lorem at eleifend. Phasellus imperdiet, libero vel consectetur aliquam, justo massa feugiat dolor, id blandit nibh elit eget tortor. Sed lorem ipsum, rhoncus quis congue in, tristique id erat. Nunc ac congue mi. Curabitur ante ex, posuere quis tellus quis, convallis scelerisque dolor. Integer eu purus ut augue consectetur aliquet. Aliquam eu tortor gravida, elementum.

  • International Focus – Nunc lacinia turpis imperdiet ligula malesuada molestie

  • Residential Courses – Mauris sed felis et libero consectetur auctor id in nisi

  • Focus On People – Sed at risus at erat pretium fringilla

  • Student Dedication – Aenean ut purus non tortor rhoncus bibendum

  • Career Placement – Nunc nec turpis sit egestas scelerisque at finibus ligula

Nullam venenatis justo a porta faucibus. Sed accumsan nisl eget ligula iaculis tristique. Nulla eget bibendum neque. Duis eu rutrum augue. Sed quis feugiat felis. Curabitur non ornare urna, vel congue mauris. Nam tincidunt mattis ligula, non pharetra turpis posuere a. Nulla aliquet vitae quam vitae commodo. Cras ut metus nibh. Suspendisse congue velit dui, quis dictum tortor tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum, quam nec elementum cursus, justo purus varius nisl, iaculis mattis lectus enim quis augue.

Apply Today

First Grade

Supply List

1 Plastic supply box (large enough to hold a 12” ruler, but not oversized)
1 Box of 24 count crayons (no glitter; must fit into the supply box)
1 Pack of colored pencils (Crayola Twistables highly recommended)
1 12” ruler with both inches and centimeters
1 Pair of scissors (blunt end for 1st grade/pointed for 2nd grade)
4 Glue sticks (no glue pens)
1 Bottle of clear Elmer’s glue
1 Box of 24 count #2 pencils
1 Package of pencil top erasers
4 Two pocket folders with prongs (heavy duty plastic)
2 Packages of wide ruled, 8”x10 ½”, loose leaf filler paper each semester (2nd Grade only)
4 Boxes of tissues, standard size
1 Large bottle of hand sanitizer
2 Containers of wipes
8 Large Containers of Lysol wipes
1 Pair of gym shoes (to be left at school)
3 Reams of copy paper

Click HERE to buy uniforms.

Second Grade

Supply List

1 Plastic supply box (large enough to hold a 12” ruler, but not oversized)
1 Box of 24 count crayons (no glitter; must fit into the supply box)
1 Pack of colored pencils (Crayola Twistables highly recommended)
1 12” ruler with both inches and centimeters
1 Pair of scissors (blunt end for 1st grade/pointed for 2nd grade)
4 Glue sticks (no glue pens)
1 Bottle of clear Elmer’s glue
1 Box of 24 count #2 pencils
1 Package of pencil top erasers
4 Two pocket folders with prongs (heavy duty plastic)
2 Packages of wide ruled, 8”x10 ½”, loose leaf filler paper each semester (2nd Grade only)
4 Boxes of tissues, standard size
1 Large bottle of hand sanitizer
2 Containers of wipes
8 Large Containers of Lysol wipes
1 Pair of gym shoes (to be left at school)
3 Reams of copy paper

Click HERE to buy uniforms.

Third Grade

Supply List

1 Pencil pouch
1 Box of 24 count crayons (no glitter)
1 Pack of colored pencils (Crayola Twistables highly recommended)
1 12” ruler with both inches and centimeters
1 Pair of pointed scissors
4 Glue sticks (no glue pens)
1 Bottle of clear Elmer’s glue
2 Boxes of 24 count #2 pencils
1 Package of black ink pens (no gel pens) – just 4th grade
4 Red pens (no gel)
4 Highlighters
1 Package of pencil top erasers
6 Two pocket folders (heavy duty plastic recommended)
2 Packages of wide ruled, 8”x10 1/2”, loose leaf filler paper each semester
3 Composition notebooks (wide ruled)
2 Three holed 1” loose leaf binder with dividers and 1 Pkg. of 25 sheet protectors (for a project)
1 NIV or King James Bible
1 Webster’s Dictionary – Merriam Webster (red cover)
1 Webster’s Thesaurus (yellow cover)
4 Boxes of tissues, standard size
1 Large bottle of hand sanitizer
2 Containers of wipes
8 Containers of Lysol wipes
1 Gym uniform (purchase from Flynn O’Hara)
1 Pair of gym shoes (that remain at school)
3 Reams of copy paper

Click HERE to buy uniforms.

Fourth Grade

Supply List

1 Pencil pouch
1 Box of 24 count crayons (no glitter)
1 Pack of colored pencils (Crayola Twistables highly recommended)
1 12” ruler with both inches and centimeters
1 Pair of pointed scissors
4 Glue sticks (no glue pens)
1 Bottle of clear Elmer’s glue
2 Boxes of 24 count #2 pencils
1 Package of black ink pens (no gel pens) – just 4th grade
4 Red pens (no gel)
4 Highlighters
1 Package of pencil top erasers
6 Two pocket folders (heavy duty plastic recommended)
2 Packages of wide ruled, 8”x10 1/2”, loose leaf filler paper each semester
3 Composition notebooks (wide ruled)
2 Three holed 1” loose leaf binder with dividers and 1 Pkg. of 25 sheet protectors (for a project)
1 NIV or King James Bible
1 Webster’s Dictionary – Merriam Webster (red cover)
1 Webster’s Thesaurus (yellow cover)
4 Boxes of tissues, standard size
1 Large bottle of hand sanitizer
2 Containers of wipes
8 Containers of Lysol wipes
1 Gym uniform (purchase from Flynn O’Hara)
1 Pair of gym shoes (that remain at school)
3 Reams of copy paper

Click HERE to buy uniforms.

Fifth Grade

Supply List

1 Pencil pouch
1 Box of 24 count crayons (no glitter)
1 Pack of colored pencils (Crayola Twistables highly recommended)
1 12” ruler with both inches and centimeters
1 Compass and 1 Protractor (6th grade and up)
1 NIV or King James Bible
1 USB 8GB flash drive
1 Pair of pointed scissors
4 Glue sticks (no glue pens) and 1 bottle of clear Elmer’s glue
2 Boxes of 24 count #2 pencils
1 Package of pencil top erasers
1 Package of black ink pens (no gel)
4 Highlighters
4 Red pens (no gel)
6 Two pocket folders (heavy duty plastic recommended)
2 Packages (150 sheets or more) wide ruled, loose leaf filler paper 5th & 6th grade
2 Packages (150 sheets or more) college ruled, loose leaf filler paper 7th & up
1 Package of graph paper
4 Composition notebooks (wide ruled)
1 Three-holed 1½ ” loose leaf binder
1 Package of 3”x 5” lined index cards
1 Student Planner
4 Boxes of tissues, standard size
1 Large bottle of hand sanitizer
8 Containers of Lysol Wipes
1 Gym uniform (purchase from Flynn O’Hara)
1 pair of gym shoes (to be left at the school)
3 Reams of copy paper
1 Scientific Calculator (grades 8-12)

Click HERE to buy uniforms.

First Grade


Bible: Abeka | Bible stories explored through songs, literature, and scripture memory.
Reading: Abeka | Students utilize advanced phonics for reading literature while continuing to build abstract thinking skills with reason.
Math: Abeka | The incremental approach spirals for refreshment of math concepts through application.
Cursive: Abeka | Students practice writing in the cursive format for word recognition and sentence formation.
History: Abeka | Heritage Studies 1 follows the events in the New World from pre-1000 to 1682. Your students will learn about the Vikings, Columbus, Plymouth Plantation, trading, Native Americans, and early homes and schools.
Science: Abeka | Science 1 starts students on the path of scientific inquiry with an introduction to the senses, heat, sound, animals, and heavenly bodies–presenting God as the Creator of all things.
Spelling: Abeka | Spelling 1 focuses on application through studying generalizations, and using spelling as a tool for communication. Enjoyable guided activities help your student learn word structures and dictionary skills.

Second Grade


Bible: Abeka | Bible Truths 2 guides teachers as they help students understand God’s truth for practical living through a thematic, chronological study of the Old and New Testaments. Lessons also integrate a missionary story and an application novel.
Reading: Abeka | Students integrate language arts, literature, letters, sounds, and comprehension skills for creative thinking and learning.
Math: Abeka | The incremental approach spirals with literature and manipulatives for understanding of concepts.
History: Abeka | Heritage Studies 2 explores American culture in colonial times from Jamestown to the War for Independence.
Science: Abeka | Science 2 teaches the student how to use science process skills to learn and tell about Gods creation. The program focuses on what scientists do, living things, plants, environments, fossils and dinosaurs, the layers and features of the earth, how the earth moves, natural resources, light, forces and motion, and how the body works.
Spelling: Abeka | Spellings is presented through a rule, a jingle, or a hint for learning.

Third Grade


Bible: Abeka | Bible Truths 3 explores Bible accounts in the Old and New Testaments and encourages solid Bible study skills. Missionary stories and stories from church history are also included to inspire students and help them apply biblical principles to their everyday lives.
Literature: Abeka | Students read through all time favorite children’s books, e.g., Charlotte’s Web, Alice in Wonderland, etc. Grammar: – Bob Jones Press English
Math: Abeka | Saxon 5/4- Students master the grammar of math incrementally with repetition and introduction of new concepts.
Spanish: Abeka | Pronunciation and expansion of content for children.
History: Abeka | Heritage Studies 3 relates in understandable language the story of America from the framing of the Constitution up until the days of the Wild West. Students will relive key moments in our nation’s history and discover interesting traditions from the past.
Science: Abeka | Science 3 provides age-appropriate scientific information through text, charts, and colorful photographs and illustrations. Students will conduct experiments, participate in projects, and creatively write.
Spelling: Abeka | Spelling continued through the phonetic zoo.

Fourth Grade


Bible:  Abeka | Bible Truths 4 encourages students to read their Bible regularly and learn to listen to His truth. The text draws numerous examples from the Bible of people that listened to God and followed His will.
Literature:  Abeka | Students read through all time favorites, e.g. Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Hobbit. Grammar: Bob Jones Press English 4 places an emphasis on parts of speech and sentence structures through a variety of writing assignments, such as a personal narrative, a research report, and a business letter.
Math:  Abeka | Saxon 6/5- Students continue their math adventure incrementally. Sir Circumference Series aids in understanding.
Spanish:  Abeka | Pronunciation and expansion of content for children.
History:  Abeka | Heritage Studies 4 brings to life our history from the founding of America to World War II from a biblical perspective.
Science:  Abeka | The text discusses a spectrum of scientific fields including ecosystems, plants, insects, the eye, the digestive system, and principles of motion and energy.
Spelling:  Abeka | Spelling continued through the phonetic zoo.

Fifth Grade


Bible: Bob Jones Press | Bible Truths 5 encourages students to apply the Bible knowledge they learn to their everyday lives. It also includes lessons for the missionary story Mik-Shrok and the application novel Songbird.
Literature: Veritas Press | Students read and study literary favorites, e.g., Anne of Green Gables and Old Yeller. Grammar: – Bob Jones Press English 5 studies a variety of writing assignments, such as compare-contrast essays, persuasive business letters, research reports, and more.
Math: Veritas Press | Saxon 7/6 continues to challenge the academic mind for high level math with critical thinking skills and abstract thought through application.
Latin-Part C: Veritas Press | Pronunciation and expansion of content for children.
History: Bob Jones Press | Heritage Studies 5 continues the biblical-based narrative of influence of the automobile and airplane, World War I, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, World War II, the Vietnam War, struggles over civil rights, the war on terror, Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and immigration decisions.
Science: Bob Jones Press | Science 5 explores God’s creation in a study of minerals and rocks, fossils, matter and heat, sound and light, weather, ecosystems, and the respiratory and circulatory systems.
Linguistics: Veritas Press | The Grammar of Spelling 5 utilized for classical concentration of word spelling.

Fusce nec elit ut lorem tristique consectetur et at metus. Aliquam eros mauris, aliquet nec urna consectetur, condimentum ultricies nunc. Nam tincidunt est ac ante elementum tincidunt. Phasellus nisi orci, tristique eu blandit eu, lobortis vitae velit. Nullam cursus arcu eget placerat lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Nullam venenatis justo a porta faucibus. Sed accumsan nisl eget ligula iaculis tristique. Nulla eget bibendum neque. Duis eu rutrum augue. Sed quis feugiat felis. Curabitur non ornare urna, vel congue mauris. Nam tincidunt mattis ligula, non pharetra turpis posuere a. Nulla aliquet vitae quam vitae commodo. Cras ut metus nibh. Suspendisse congue velit dui, quis dictum tortor tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum, quam nec elementum cursus, justo purus varius nisl, iaculis mattis lectus enim quis augue.

Apply Today

First Grade Program Requirements

Parents will need to complete all sections of the Admission Application and submit the application fee. Our Admissions Staff will call to schedule a school tour. We have very small class sizes so your child will have the attention he or she needs to excel.

Second Grade Program Requirements

Parents will need to complete all sections of the Admission Application and submit the application fee. Our Admissions Staff will call to schedule a school tour. We have very small class sizes so your child will have the attention he or she needs to excel.

Third Grade Program Requirements

Parents will need to complete all sections of the Admission Application and submit the application fee. Our Admissions Staff will call to schedule a school tour. We have very small class sizes so your child will have the attention he or she needs to excel.

Fourth Grade Program Requirements

Parents will need to complete all sections of the Admission Application and submit the application fee. Our Admissions Staff will call to schedule a school tour. We have very small class sizes so your child will have the attention he or she needs to excel.

Fifth Grade Program Requirements

Parents will need to complete all sections of the Admission Application and submit the application fee. Our Admissions Staff will call to schedule a school tour. We have very small class sizes so your child will have the attention he or she needs to excel.

Nullam venenatis justo a porta faucibus. Sed accumsan nisl eget ligula iaculis tristique. Nulla eget bibendum neque. Duis eu rutrum augue. Sed quis feugiat felis. Curabitur non ornare urna, vel congue mauris. Nam tincidunt mattis ligula, non pharetra turpis posuere a. Nulla aliquet vitae quam vitae commodo. Cras ut metus nibh. Suspendisse congue velit dui, quis dictum tortor tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum, quam nec elementum cursus, justo purus varius nisl, iaculis mattis lectus enim quis augue.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
LEE MILLERCourse Tutor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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